Map and Transportation
Find your way around the area
The easiest way to navigate the area is by downloading our DHL Stafetten Kbh app. Here, you can e.g. view the map and locate the tent where your company is situated.
Transport to and from Fælledparken
Finding parking spaces around Fælledparken can be challenging. Traffic is heavy, and parking fees apply round the clock. Therefore, we recommend taking the bus, train, or bicycle to Fælledparken.
These three metrostations will take you close to Fælledparken: Trianglen, Vibenhus Runddel and Poul Henningsens Plads. The closest S-train stations are Nordhavn and Svanemøllen.
Din Offentlige Transport Transport (DOT) has created a special Event Ticket for DHL Stafetten Kbh, valid for bus, train, and metro, usable for 12 hours.
The event ticket must be purchased in the DOT app. The app is free and can be downloaded by scanning the QR code below.
Safe time and money with event ticket
Get around the city easily and cheaply on race day.
The easiest way to get to and from the start area is by public transportation – especially the metro.
With this in mind, DOT (Din Offentlige Transport) has created a special event ticket for the relay, DHL Stafetten Kbh. With the ticket, you can save money and use public transport unlimited for 12 hours. The ticket is available to everyone and comes in two sizes.
Small event ticket, 33 kr.:
Covers Copenhagen city center including Copenhagen Airport (zones 1-4).
Large event ticket, 66 kr.:
Covers the entire metropolitan area including Copenhagen city center (zones 1-99).
The event ticket must be purchased in the DOT app. The app is free and can be downloaded by scanning the QR code to the right or by clicking the button below.